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The Most Common Tree Diseases in West Hollywood

West Hollywood Palm Trees

Trees are a vital part of West Hollywood’s landscape, providing shade, beauty, and environmental benefits. However, just like any living organism, trees can get sick. In my experience working in the area for over a decade, I’ve seen many trees suffering from diseases that, if left untreated, can cause serious damage or even kill the tree. In this blog, I’ll walk you through some of the most common tree diseases in West Hollywood and what you can do to protect your trees.

Why Tree Health Matters

Before diving into specific diseases, let’s talk about why tree health is so important. Healthy trees enhance your property’s curb appeal, contribute to cleaner air, and provide habitats for local wildlife. On the flip side, sick trees can become safety hazards, with dead branches falling off or entire trees becoming unstable. Knowing what signs to look for can help you catch a disease early and save your tree.

Common Tree Diseases in West Hollywood

1. Anthracnose

Anthracnose is a fungal disease that affects a wide range of trees in West Hollywood, including sycamores, oaks, and maples. It tends to show up in the spring and is known for causing browning and wilting of leaves. If left untreated, anthracnose can defoliate a tree, weakening it over time.

What to Look For:

  • Brown or tan spots on leaves

  • Twisted or curling leaves

  • Early leaf drop in spring

Treatment: If caught early, pruning infected branches and improving air circulation can help. In severe cases, fungicide applications may be necessary.

 I remember working on a beautiful sycamore tree that had been a focal point in a client's front yard. The leaves had started browning earlier than usual, and the homeowner was concerned. After diagnosing anthracnose, we treated it promptly with proper pruning and a fungicide. By the following season, the tree had bounced back beautifully.

2. Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew is a common fungal disease that affects a variety of trees in West Hollywood, particularly those in shady or humid areas. The disease creates a white, powdery coating on leaves and can stunt the growth of young trees.

What to Look For:

  • White or gray powder on leaves and branches

  • Leaves curling or becoming discolored

  • Slowed tree growth

Treatment: Improving air circulation and reducing humidity can help prevent powdery mildew. Prune back overgrown branches and remove infected foliage. If needed, fungicides can be applied to control the spread.

3. Root Rot

Root rot is a serious fungal disease that often goes unnoticed until it’s too late. It typically affects trees that are planted in poorly draining soil, causing their roots to rot and eventually leading to the death of the tree.

What to Look For:

  • Yellowing or wilting leaves

  • Stunted growth

  • Mushy or decaying roots

Treatment: Unfortunately, once root rot sets in, it’s difficult to reverse. The best prevention is ensuring proper drainage and avoiding overwatering. If a tree is too far gone, removal might be necessary to prevent the disease from spreading to nearby trees.

A few years back, I worked with a homeowner whose backyard was filled with beautiful mature trees. Unfortunately, one of their prized magnolias started showing signs of root rot due to poor drainage. Despite our best efforts, we had to remove the tree. That experience was a tough reminder of how essential proper planting conditions are to long-term tree health.

4. Oak Wilt

Oak wilt is a particularly devastating fungal disease that affects oak trees, which are abundant in the West Hollywood area. The fungus attacks the tree’s vascular system, preventing it from transporting water and nutrients.

What to Look For:

  • Leaves turning pale green or yellow, then wilting

  • Rapid leaf drop

  • Dark streaks under the bark

Treatment: Early detection is critical. Infected trees should be removed immediately to prevent the disease from spreading. Preventative fungicides can be used on surrounding healthy trees.

5. Fire Blight

Fire blight is a bacterial disease that primarily affects fruit trees like pear and apple trees, but it can also impact ornamental trees. The disease causes branches to appear scorched, as if they’ve been burned.

What to Look For:

  • Blackened, withered leaves and branches

  • Oozing cankers on branches or trunks

  • Sudden wilting of flowers or fruit

Treatment: Prune back infected branches during dry weather to avoid spreading the disease. Be sure to disinfect your pruning tools between cuts. In severe cases, copper-based bactericides may be necessary.

How to Prevent Tree Diseases

The best way to fight tree diseases is to prevent them from occurring in the first place. Here are some tips that can help keep your trees healthy:

  • Regular Pruning: Removing dead or diseased branches improves air circulation and reduces the risk of fungal infections.

  • Proper Watering: Ensure your trees are getting the right amount of water – not too much and not too little. Overwatering is a major cause of root rot.

  • Mulching: Mulch helps retain moisture and regulate soil temperature, but be careful not to pile it up against the tree’s trunk.

  • Inspect Regularly: Check your trees frequently for signs of disease. The sooner you catch a problem, the easier it is to treat.

When to Call a Professional

If you’re unsure about the health of your trees or if they’re showing signs of disease, it’s always a good idea to call a professional. At Alan & Son Tree Service, we offer expert tree health assessments, treatments, and care to keep your trees thriving. With over a decade of experience in West Hollywood, we know how to handle the unique challenges trees face in this area.


Keeping your trees healthy is essential for maintaining the beauty and safety of your property. By being aware of the most common tree diseases in West Hollywood, you can take steps to protect your trees and ensure they stay strong for years to come. If you’re concerned about the health of your trees, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Alan & Son Tree Service. We’re here to help keep your trees in top shape!


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